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How to Avoid the risk of kidney stones – Read to Know More

How to Avoid the risk of kidney stones – Read to Know More

The problem of kidney stones affect thousands of people every day. One of the major health hazards, these stones are hard deposits of minerals and salt which can affect your physical well being. Also known as renal lithiasis, these maintain a sharp and crystalline structure in the inner lining of the kidneys and grow into the size of a golf ball. If small, the stones pass through your urinary tract, however, the larger ones cause a lot of pain while leaving the body. In cases, you can visit the kidney stone surgeon in West Delhi for fast relief. Some of the Symptoms Which you can Notice While Suffering From this Disease are- • experiencing severe pain in the sides and in the groin area • vomiting, nausea • blood flow from the urine • pus or white blood cells in the urine • the amount of urine excreted reduces • a sense of burning during urination • continuous urge to urinate all the time • in case of infection, you can have a fever one of the leading cause of developing stones inside is the kidney is the lack of water inside the body. If you drink fewer amounts of water than the recommended eight to ten glasses as told by the doctor. If you have an excess acidic environment in the urine, it can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Similarly if one had kidney stones before, the likelihood of having them again increases.

How to Avoid the Formation of Kidney Stones-

• One of the first and major precautions is to drink enough water. Sometimes the doctor will advise you the same since there are chances of the stones passing through urination. Drink unless your urine is no longer yellow or brown. • It is essential that you change your dietary requirements so that it has a positive impact on the health of your kidney. Eating the right kind of dietary habits lowers the risk of stone formation. You should eat these vegetables and fruits for the best effect- celery, basil, apples, grapes, pomegranates. • After taking the advice of the doctor, you can also take vitamin B6 supplements as well as pyroxidine supplements. • Oxalate-rich food should be avoided, like sweet potato, nuts, tea, chocolate, soy products etc. In cases of a severe medical emergency, one should visit the doctor for immediate clinical assistance. Some of the treatments available for treating kidney stones are as follows- • Urine testing is done to check whether you are excreting the stones through the urine. • Imaging includes simple abdominal x-rays to high-speed computerized topography. Other processes include ultrasound a non-invasive test and intravenous urography. The stones which have already passed are sent for lab test analogy.

For the Removal of Larger Sized Stones, these Methods are Administered-

• The use of Ultrasound waves which create strong vibrations and break the stones into tinier fragments. This is a 45-60 minute long procedure which can emanate moderate pain. The fragmented stones will now pass through the urine. Sometimes light sedation is applied so that you do not have to experience any pain. • A surgical process known as percutaneous nephrolithotomy is done where the kidney stones are removed with the help of small telescopes which are inserted into the kidneys through an incision made at the back. General anaesthesia is applied during the surgery and the patient is admitted for two days at the hospital. • Parathyroid gland surgery is required for a specific season. Sometimes stones made of calcium phosphate are caused due to the overactive thyroid gland. When too much parathyroid hormone is produced, the level of calcium in the body increases. As a result, kidney stones may form. In such cases, the doctors stop the growth of the glands to avoid any further trouble. Living healthy is the key to enjoying a good life. By following some of these precautions, one can prevent the recurrence of kidney stones to a large extent.
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