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What are Some of the Different Types of Cardiovascular Diseases?

What are Some of the Different Types of Cardiovascular Diseases?

Also known as the circular system, this system consists of the heart, veins, arteries, capillaries and supply blood to every part of the body. Here are a few different types of heart diseases and their treatment–

1. Congenital Heart disease-

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in our country. When you suffer from this problem, you are usually born with one or more abnormalities in your heart’s structure. This alters the way the blood flows through the heart and can sometimes be life-threatening. The symptoms include abnormal rhythms of the heart, a bluish tint of the skin or fingernails known as cyanosis, shortness of breath and inflaming body tissues known as edema. If you are suffering from diabetes, you may incur this problem. It is also hereditary and appears to run in many families. If pregnant women smoke a lot, they may develop this disorder.

2. Valvular heart disease-

The heart is made of four valves. This allows the blood to flow in the right direction. Sometimes one or more valve might not open. This disrupts smooth blood flow. The symptoms that you may notice for this progressing disease is an abnormal heart murmur when the doctor listens to your heart with a stethoscope, tiredness, fatigue, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, swollen ankles and foot, etc. There are three main reasons why this happens- • Regurgitation where the flaps of the valves do not close properly. They bulge backward due to which the blood starts to leak backward, into the heart • Stenosis is a condition where the valve flaps thicken or become stiff. The opening narrows, thus reducing blood flow. • Atresia where the valve does not form and a solid tissue sheet forms. Is block blood flow between the heart chambers.

3. Coronary Heart disease-

This is a disease where the blood vessels supplying the heart with oxygen, nutrients, and blood become diseased or affected. Plaque deposits containing cholesterol accumulates in the arteries and starts inflammation which can eventually lead to this condition. The coronary arteries become narrow which reduces blood flow to the heart. This progresses to the formation of other symptoms like pain in the chest and shortness in breath. In this condition, you can feel tightness or pressure in your chest mostly in the middle or left side of the chest. You may also feel a fleeting or sharp pain in the rams, neck and the back.

4. Heart attack-

When a segment of the heart muscle is down, it can lead to a heart attack. This is majorly due to a loss of blood supply. This happens when the artery is blocked because of a blood clot. If you have a heart attack, you will have triggering chest pain and instability of the tissues in the heart muscles. The risk of a heart attack usually increases when an adult is over 45 years of age. Excessive smoking and obesity are some of the major risk factors. You can get treated at the best private hospital in West Delhi known as Maggo Hospital and avail services from the cardiovascular surgeons in case of emergencies.
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