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Some FAQs about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Some FAQs about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Gynaecological problems can be varied and vary from person to person. There was a time when women wouldn’t come forward and discuss their gynaecological problems. But times are changing and women are more aware and alert about their gynaecological problems. For any problems they now wouldn’t hesitate to consult a gynaecologist. Nowadays there are good gynaecologist in west delhi, associated through reputable hospitals. Here we shall discuss about a common gynaecological syndrome which has plagued women for many years now. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common gynaecological problem which affects a lot of women of different age groups. Almost every one in ten women have PCOS.

What is PCOS?

PCOS is the short form of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is condition that develops due to the imbalance in reproductive hormones of women. In case of normal menstrual cycle in women, eggs are released every month as a part of the process. In case of PCOS either the egg does not develop or is not released during an ovulation.

What can happen as a result of PCOS?

PCOS can lead to two conditions: 1) Infertility or difficulty in attaining pregnancy 2) Development of ovarian cysts Which are the major symptoms of PCOS? Major symptoms of PCOS are: A menstrual cycle that is irregular: PCOS may lead to missed periods or less number of periods (lesser than eight in a year). Otherwise, periods may have a shorter cycle – happening every 21 days or oftener. It can even lead to stoppage of menstrual cycle. Too much hair: PCOS can lead to excessive hair growth on chin, face or other body parts, leading to a condition called “hirsutism.” Acne: Acne is yet another common symptom of PCOS. Acne can occur on the face, chest, chin, and upper back. Thinning hair: Hair thinning or loss of hair or ‘male-pattern baldness’ is a common occurrence in PCOS. Weight Issues: PCOS can lead to weight issues where one may have uncontrolled gain of weight or may find it very challenging to lose weight. Skin Problems: There may be skin darkening or occurrence of skin flaps due to PCOS.

What are the causes of PCOS?

PCOS is a hormonal problem. Genetic factors are important factors. Other than that, two important factors are: High level Androgen and High levels of Insulin.

Which are the major tests that determine PCOS?

The disease is diagnosed after many tests which include: physical examination, pelvic examination, Pelvic Ultrasound and blood tests.

What are the treatments for PCOS?

There is no single medical treatment for PCOS and the treatment is based on the conditions that evolve due to PCOS. So if there is problem with pregnancy, treatments related to infertility are carried out. Similarly, if there are cysts, treatments are given accordingly. At times the cysts may require to be removed surgically. These were little insights into the medicl condition of PCOS. However, it is always important to cross check facts and develop more insights by consulting with a gynaecologist. For example if one is staying in West Delhi, it is always good to consult the Best Gynecologist in Uttam Nagar for detailed information on the syndrome.
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