DGEHS & CGHS Empanelled
Cashless Treatment now available for All Individual and Corporate Insurance Policy Holders. We are also Empanelled with CGHS, DGEHS, BSES, DELHI TRANSCO LIMITED and all major TPAs & PSUs.
Preventive Health Checks

Preventive Health Checks

Our Preventive Healthcare Programme comprises a comprehensive set of tests, which have been specially designed keeping in mind the health needs of the patient. Preventive health check-ups are very useful in early detection of all types of illnesses and risk factors. The normal misconception about these health check- ups is that for preventive health check-up there are a series of investigations. Fortis Escorts offers a different perspective to the health check-ups providing a holistic view of Preventive Medicine. It is a combination of medicine, diagnostics, diet plan and healthy life pattern (which includes regular exercise, …

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